Church Weddings in Chiswick W4
Getting married at St Michael's Church in Chiswick
We love having weddings in our church.
It is a great joy when a couple decide to commit their lives to each other for richer, for poorer, for better, for worse, in sickness and in health - for the rest of their days.
A church wedding means making those vows before God as well as your family and friends and praying for God's blessing on your marriage.
Vicarage Landline Number 020 8994 3173
Every home in the country is in a parish and most people choose to marry in their Church of England parish church. If you or your partner live in our parish (check here whether you do) or have a qualifying connection with St Michael's, you have a right to be married at St Michael's - whether you come to Church or not.
It is also possible to marry in another parish church, provided that you fulfil certain requirements.
To find out more about a wedding at St Michaels and to make a booking Click HERE to contact us and discuss your plans with the Vicar.
We enjoy getting to know the couples who marry at St Michael's. Every wedding service is special and personal and we will help you to make it the way you would like it to be.
We also offer marriage preparation sessions to explore, in privacy, what makes for a rich and lifelong marriage.
What do I do next?
Click HERE to contact us and discuss your plans with the Vicar.
You can download a short brochure HERE